Ma bobine
Alan Pinoy
PhD student - École Normale Supérieure de Lyon

More about my research interest

During my PhD, I studied the geometry at infinity of a certain class of manifolds called asymptotically locally complex hyperbolic. They are complete, non-compact Kähler manifolds whose curvature tensor is asymptotic to the -1 holomorphic sectional curvature tensor (in particular, their holomorphic sectional curvature decays fast enough to -1) at infinity. Their asymptotic geometry is modelled on that of the complex hyperbolic space. Under some natural conditions, I have proven that they share a lot of geometric properties with the model space: their boundary at infinity is endowed with a strictly pseudoconvex Cauchy-Riemann (CR) structure.

More generally, I am interested in differential and Riemannian geometry, with an inclination towards negative curvature and/or complete non-compact varieties. I am also interested in all aspects of differential geometry, with a particular taste for contact geometry and geometric analysis. You can find there a research project.





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